About Fall City Kombucha Company

Fall City Kombucha Co. brews seasonally-inspired craft kombucha that reflects the virtues of living closely with family, friends, and farmers.

We believe in brewing quality kombuchas that features the fruit, vegetables, herbs and botanicals that folks around the Snoqualmie Valley take so much care to produce. Our quality comes over time by being curious to learn, honoring process and seeking to work well with what we have. Fall City is a special place to us so we take pride in being active in the community and fostering growth of small businesses in Fall City and the Valley.

About Our Brewer

I was a bartender for a summer in college in a fancy San Francisco hotel. I once served a solo grandmother “the best double Beefeater martini” she ever had. It was 9am on a Wednesday and I have appreciated making a good drink ever since. 

I used to home-brew beer with my wife in our one bedroom apartment, but now we’re middle aged. Having ten gallons of beer on tap became less aspirational when my body started shouting at me as loudly as my kids do. I found kombucha to be a healthy alternative to my second cup of coffee, midday sodas, and midweek beers with (and after) dinner, and I rekindled my love for brewing by making something that I can feel good about drinking everyday.

I am blessed to pursue my passions with the support of my wife, kids, parents, friends and neighbors. I find peace in nature, horticulture fascinating, and landscaping worth the effort. I express love and experience joy through food and drink; one on one connections, family-style meals, and backyard BBQs matter to me. 

Brewing kombucha allows me to share this all with you.